Our Vision

To be the leading company of choice for both cleaning and construction services.

Our Mission

To create clean, healthy living and working environments, and to develop high-quality infrastructure through effective construction practices. We provide environmentally friendly cleaning services and top-tier construction solutions. Client satisfaction is at the core of everything we do.

Our Philosophy

At the heart of Kamwesa lies a simple belief: Clean spaces and well-built environments foster clear minds and strong communities. We integrate this philosophy into every cleaning and construction service, ensuring that we not only maintain cleanliness but also build safe, reliable structures that promote peace, order, and well-being in homes, businesses, and public spaces.
About us

Unlock Superior Cleaning & Construction with Kamwesa

Our growth and reputation have been anchored on consistency, high-quality service delivery, and an in-depth understanding of Zambian needs—whether in maintaining cleanliness or building resilient structures. Kamwesa holds an NCC Grade 6 certification, affirming our capability in Construction Services, Civil Engineering, and Roads Construction.

Commercial Cleaning Experience
Construction Experience

Commercial Cleaning

Elevate your business's ambiance with our specialized commercial cleaning packages.

Landscaping & Gardening

 Let us transform your outdoors into a green paradise.

General Building and Housing

Kamwesa Zambia Limited excels in handling diverse building projects across commercial and residential sectors.

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WhatsApp Image 2023-07-02 at 9.44.29 PM

Why Choose Kamwesa?

We develop the relationships that underpin the next phase in your organisation’s growth. We do this by discerning the people and that platforms where interests converge.

Making a clean difference since 2018

At Kamwesa Zambia Limited, our commitment goes beyond just cleaning. We aim to transform your living and working spaces into refreshing environment where you can thrive. A trusted Zambian company, we’ve been enhancing cleanliness standards since September 2018, driven by integrity, excellence, and a passionate team.

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We are dedicated to support you

The company is managed by experienced and well-trained staff who specialize in various fields, including cleaning services and construction work. We take pride in having some of the best-trained cleaners and skilled construction workers, all of whom consistently meet our clients’ needs. Unity within our team is fundamental to our success, as it empowers us to achieve our primary objective: satisfying the needs of our customers, whether in maintaining spotless spaces or constructing durable, high-quality structures.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)