About us

Our Journey: Where Passion Meets Profession

Kamwesa Zambia Limited is a dynamic service provider offering cleaning and construction services, with a strong focus on establishing clean living, working environments, and well-built infrastructure. As a proudly Zambian company, we bring local expertise, professionalism, and commitment to each project, ensuring quality outcomes for both spaces and structures.

Revitalize your space with our expert grout and tile deep-cleaning services
From specialized cleaning to sanitary and landscaping services
Ensuring a healthier workspace with our comprehensive commercial cleaning solutions.
Client-Centric: Tailored services to meet individual client needs
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Our Core Values

Integrity – Demonstrating openness and honesty at all times in both cleaning and construction projects

Excellence – Always delivering the best quality across all services, whether cleaning a facility or constructing a building

Loyalty – Building a strong connection and relationship with customers and staff

Responsibility – Contributing reasonably to improve our community and environment through sustainable practices in both industries

Company History

Founded in September 2018, Kamwesa Zambia Limited has rapidly established itself as a trusted name in the cleaning and construction industries. Our growth and reputation have been anchored on consistency, high-quality service delivery, and an in-depth understanding of Zambian needs—whether in maintaining cleanliness or building resilient structures. Kamwesa holds an NCC Grade 6 certification, affirming our capability in Construction Services, Civil Engineering, and Roads Construction

Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions for Every Space

From residential spaces looking for the soft touch of home cleaning to commercial establishments requiring meticulous precision, our range of services has evolved over the years. We pride ourselves on our varied offerings – be it specialized cleaning, landscaping, pest control, or sanitation, we’ve curated our services to cater to every cleaning need.

Our Commitment to the Environment

Being rooted in the heart of Zambia, we recognize the essence and importance of our environment. Our commitment to using eco-friendly products isn’t just a business strategy; it’s a homage to our homeland. We believe in giving back, which is why our products and methods are chosen to cause minimal impact on our environment while maximizing cleanliness.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)