Landscaping & Gardening

“Crafting Green Dreams Into Reality.”

Every patch of land tells a story, a canvas of possibilities awaiting the right touch. At Kamwesa, we believe in transforming these spaces into stunning green vistas, a harmonious blend of design, function, and nature’s beauty.

Why Invest in Landscaping & Gardening?

Aesthetic Appeal: Elevate the beauty of your property with thoughtfully designed landscapes and vibrant gardens.
Increased Property Value: Well-maintained landscapes can significantly boost property value, making it a wise investment.
Environmental Benefits: Gardens and green spaces reduce pollution, provide habitats for wildlife, and offer an oasis of fresh air.
Wellness: Surrounding yourself with greenery has proven benefits for mental well-being, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.


  • 215D Napsa Complex, off buluwe Road, Nyumba Yanga, Lusaka, Zambia.
  • +260 973367080,
    +260 963227081
  • [email protected]

Company Profile

Our Landscaping & Gardening Services Landscape Design

Working closely with clients, we conceptualize and design landscapes that reflect your vision and complement the architectural aspects of your property.

Plant Selection: Based on the local climate, soil type, and your preferences, we select plants that not only beautify but also thrive in your garden.

Garden Maintenance: Regular pruning, weeding, fertilizing, and pest control to ensure your garden remains in peak condition year-round.

Lawn Care: From mowing and edging to fertilization, we ensure your lawns are lush, green, and perfectly manicured.

Water Features: Installation and maintenance of fountains, ponds, and waterfalls to add serenity and elegance to your outdoor spaces.

Hardscaping: Incorporating non-living elements like patios, pathways, and retaining walls to enhance functionality and aesthetics.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)