You can learn more from our asked questions

Whether you’re a potential client eager to understand our offerings or an existing client with specific queries, we hope this page offers clarity. If, after perusing through, your particular question remains unanswered, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to assist!


Kamwesa provides a range of cleaning services, including residential cleaning, commercial cleaning, landscaping & gardening, window cleaning, specialized cleaning, and pest control & fumigation. We tailor our services to meet individual client needs.


Absolutely! We are committed to using eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products that are safe for both children and pets. Environmental safety and health are top priorities for us.

You can book our services by reaching out to us through the contact details provided on our "Contact Us" page. Our team will guide you through the booking process and help customize the service according to your requirements.


While it's not mandatory for you to be present during the cleaning, we understand if you'd prefer to be. For first-time clients, we often recommend being present to guide our team about any specific requirements or areas of concern.

Yes, we offer flexible scheduling options, including daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly cleaning services. We aim to cater to your needs and work around your preferred timings.


Quality is paramount for us. Our team undergoes rigorous training and we employ regular quality checks. We also encourage feedback from our clients to ensure we consistently meet or exceed expectations.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)