Sanitary Services

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Prioritizing Health, Ensuring Hygiene

Sanitary Services by Kamwesa Zambia Limited

In today’s world, maintaining sanitation is more critical than ever. At Kamwesa Zambia Limited, we understand the importance of a clean, germ-free environment. Our sanitary services are designed not only to meet cleanliness standards but also to ensure the health and well-being of everyone who uses the facilities. 

Sanitary Bin Provision

 Regularly serviced and maintained sanitary bins suitable for all restroom sizes and types.

Disinfection Services

 Utilizing eco-friendly and effective disinfectants to ensure all surfaces remain germ-free.

Deep Cleaning 

Intensive cleaning sessions targeting high-use areas like restrooms and kitchens, ensuring they remain spotless and hygienic.

Collection and disposal of sanitary towels

We ensure safe collection and disposal of used sanitary towels with care and precision

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)